Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Anime 101

My favorite anime is Inuaysha.He is my favorite anime.It's like that I'm very crazy about him but the only thing is that he is just a drawing.Now, in my computer, I have so many pictures of him and the other characters.There are some pictures of Kagome, Miroku, Sango, Kirara, Shipou and so many more but the rough estimation is that when I counted it, it was I think more than 430 pictures of them.Like, WOW!that's very, very many.Talk about crazy!!!Well its not only that I'm crazy about only one anime but there are so many anime that I used to love.Like, Negi Master, Akazukin Cha-Cha, Suzuka, Ah! My Goddess!, Elemental Gerad and so much more.The only thing that I love watching anime is that it helps me in my drawing skills and that it also helps me in my practice to draw and make short comics about anime.There was one in my comic collection that I mixed all my favorite animes and conducted a story that was really funny.That is why I love to watch anime on television.Well, that's all I have to say right now but there are still many topics that I can still talk about.Bye!

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